Dr. Pitlik, László associate professor, head of department (pitlik@miau.gau.hu)

Pásztor, Márta prof.`s assistant (marta@miau.gau.hu)

Popovics, Attila prof.`s assistant (popovics@miau.gau.hu)

Bunkóczi, László prof.`s assistant (blaszlo@miau.gau.hu)

Pető, István PhD-student (ipeto@miau.gau.hu)

Szent István University (SZIE), Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Institute of Methodology and Business Analyses, Department of Business Informatics

Agricultural specific QA preconditions of e-content providing in the case of getting to the governmental portal

The lecture deals with the QA aspects (legal, technological, institutional and management) of e-content service as the central question of the problems of e-content service in agriculture, raised by the MEH (Prime Ministers Office) tender dealing with the development of e-government. The Department of Business Informatics of SZIE has been following the trends of the national and international e-content providing and acts itself as an active e-content provider. Along the experiences numerous critical points got focus, which may induce some policies (only hypothetical type so far) which could help avoiding the faulty e-content providing and can be interpreted as a type of standard (http://miau.gau.hu/magisz/2002/magisztervezet.doc, http://interm.gtk.gau.hu/miau/38/kshphare.ppt). Some critical aspects/symptoms (occurred internationally too), which should be treated as necessity:

-         There isn’t anyone (legally and institutionally) responsible so far, for most part of the agricultural (rural development) data-, map-, and document fortune, therefore there isn’t any meta-database about resources, the accessing rights, and the minimum level of the technical service is not cleared. There is no Agricultural Informatical Strategy at all.

-         In some institutes – concerned in data collection – there is neither any consistency-check methodology nor institutional/legal frame system, therefore some data (and the applications based on those values) can be proved as inconsistent.

-         The providers of the analysis are not in a real competitive market, therefore the publication of the goodness of the analyses and similar reference data sets is usually eventual.

-         In the frame of Research and Development (in the absence of legit directives and clear objectives, and because of the uncoordinated tender systems) mainly only well executable (and foreseeable) activities takes place, therefore the methodological renewal, the spread of innovation and handling/ solving real theoretical problems takes place only eventually. Is that Research and Development System authentic, where all the tenders are success stories?

-         There is not a present system for correcting, disclosing and imposing sanctions against faulty services.

Until we don’t have the legal-, technological- and checking aspects, and, on the level of strategies, we don’t have any directives in the front for e-content providers, the partially ruled and checked services may raise numerous legal and marketing dilemmas, from constitutional problems through the rules of competition and data-protection to the question of consumer protection.