Dynamic service systems created and used in mobile environment



Written by Zsolt Rapali


Supervisor: dr Zoltán Juhász



Third generation of mobile technologies make the foundation of creating and using new, user-friendly services by mobile devices. The latest new-generation mobile devices are able to use packet-based transmissions, localisation by GPS and running IP-based multimedia applications.


Services are more important than devices from the user’s point of view. Jini technology, developed by Sun Microsystems in 1999 can give efficient assistant to discover services and to establish a new service-distributing system. Jini takes away the differences between device and service, because it is focusing only on the ensured service.


In my recitation I will take stock of the development of mobile systems, the third generation mobile technologies and the Jini technology. After the literary résumé I will demonstrate by the help of several casework the Jini role in creating and using mobile services of future. Finally I will bring out the imaginative Jini mobile service-system functioning by means of a ready application. (Intelligent House)