The introduction of educational application possibilities of Internet technologies on the basis of a school knowledge portal 


The description of the problem:

-          The document management, the access to documents is not solved in educational institutions.

-          The communication between teachers, students and their parents can be realised more in a task-oriented way than at the present by creating convenient, concerned parts supporting and protecting rule system, methods and channels using infocommunicational appliances in a well-considered, activity and task specific way.

-          The restricted communication, communicational problems between school groups and communities, occasionally between isolated persons often prevent the application of personally tailor-made studying methods, the work and formation of teams.

-          Individual, innovative educational-methodological processes worked out by teachers can be hardly or not at all used within an institution even harder outside of institutions.

-          Students do not get to know possibilities of team-work just in this period of life when they are especially demanding to be a part of community, they do not get experiences of common creation, co-operation and teamwork.

-          The methodological management of “teaching the studying” problem is a big challenge for public educational institutions.


The purpose of school portal

Is to develop a knowledge portal used in schools, which:

-          is able to convert into unified format and make easily available for all of concerned all of documents made in school and concerning  the education and the school management;

-          is able to store these documents in a unified system, and gives the possibility of full-scaled retrieval;

-          supports the co-operative work of individual studying groups;

-          helps to build up student teams;

-          supports student remedial courses (with playing and competition elements) after lessons, by  including language CBT educational material into the system;

-          supports profession-oriented activities of the educational institution and the development of students’ studying strategy by including a competent CBT educational material into the system;


The introduction of innovative elements of the portal

With the school knowledge portal we create a model of a framesystem which can be applied and adapted in any school, including the application helping methodology, which:

-          contains a standard editor able to create, edit and manage XML based documents (including the simple CBT curriculum);

-          is a knowledge management system – a database able to store document mentioned above with structured search;

-          contains prefabricated, professional materials supporting remedial courses, studying methodology and teambuilding;

-         on the one hand make close contact between teachers, students and their parents, and on the other hand provide IT support for team formation, teamwork, and students’ innovative initiatives