Methodology experience of developing an e-learning frame system



  1. Overview of the E-learning standards
    1. SCORM
    2. AICC
    3. IEE


  1. The most common actors of an e-learning frame system and the competence requirements


    1. Students
    2. Tutors
    3. Mentors
    4. Administrators



  1. The soluble actual challenges for the spread of e-learning
    1. Cheap, flexible development of curriculum
    2. To organisation's claim fitting frame system
    3. Support of formation the knowledge management



  1. Typical properties of user friendly WBT editor
    1. Standard curricula creation
    2. Transparent user interface
    3. Test, questionnaire editing


  1. E-learning frame system’s most needed quality assurance facilities
    1. Student contentment survey
    2. Education work test



  1. Basic concepts of electronic interrogation