Quality assurance in distance education

Dr. András Szepes - Mária Szepesné Stiftinger

      assoc. prof                       lecturer

College of Geoinformatics, University of West Hungary



Distance education causes a lot of problems for those involved, which can be derived from its methodological characteristics. Starting from taking the material home, up until the point of preparing for exams. During this period the student can almost only rely on himself/herself. We can help them by developing a technological line, which guides the students through the flow. By continuous quality assurance we can ensure these problems to be solved.


The first important step is the development of course material. Most of the developers have never taken part in such a course, so they don't really feel the students' situation, only have vague ideas about it. The really good distance education material needs a methodological instructor, to help the developers.


Next comes the system login of students. This way leads to the so-called support system. This provides personal administration, keeps track of progress and administers every part of the workflow. The system needs to be well built up; otherwise parts of the process might be lost.


Could be a part of the support system, but due to its prominent role, we have to emphasise the importance of correspondence. This provides a virtual community for the “lone warriors”, and encourages those who fall behind.


The reckoning system has an important role. Through this, student and teacher alike can measure the progress. We have to support the students by self-assessed exercises and tests, and by reckoning exams, of course.


Finally, continuous surveys help a lot, gives feedback from every part of the process.


The purpose of our presentation is to introduce such a system, which is the result of our College's own investigation and development.