Effects of the HBONE PHASE 1 backbone POP’s establishment at the University of West Hungary’s faculties in Sopron

The objective of this presentation is to track and describe the development of informatics at the University of West Hungary’s faculties (the former University of Sopron) in Sopron. It describes some years of the term when PHASE 1 backbone POP was established in Sopron.

1.     Development of the information infrastructure and the Informatics Centre of the University of West Hungary

1.1.         Modernisation of the university’s network

1.2.         Connecting together our sites by BreezeNET outdoor communication products

1.3.         Development of the information laboratories

1.4.         The server room engineered for PHASE 1 backbone POP

1.5.         Development plans for the future (Gigabit-speed network, extension of VLAN capabilities)

2.     The Linux based realisation of our Campus Network connected to the Gigabit-speed PHASE 1 backbone POP

2.1.         Base of our Linux boxes: the multipurpose /usr/local/LOCALHOST directory, which is designed to contain almost all the necessary information for operating the given host. (This directory structure is equipped with scripts to integrate the whole structure into the operating system.)

2.2.         Some notable solutions for particular problems

2.2.1.              Gateway functions at Gigabit-speed (interfaces :-)

2.2.2.              Iproute2 based NAT

2.2.3.              BGP communication with GNU Zebra routing software

2.2.4.              NTP based time synchronisation

2.2.5.              On-demand virus protection of the mailing system

3.     The method of maintaining the information laboratories of the Informatics Centre and all the departments’ networks

3.1.         Our web-manageable system for integrating the mailing system, our website’s database, and the SaMBa controlled Windows NT domain of the information laboratories.

3.2.         Effective installation with Symantec Ghost

3.3.         NTP synchronisation of the Windows workstations’ system clock

3.4.         Versatile virus protection of the workstations with the VirusBuster software

4.     Our website in a nutshell (http://www.nyme.hu)

4.1.         Filling the website’s database from NEPTUN software’s database

4.2.         Graphic design by the university’s Institute of Applied Arts