Dr. Dósa, Imre:

Development of the computerised open university’s infrastructure on the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences (Pázmány Péter Catholic University)

“Bias” from the infrastructure to the methodical problems.


         I.      Historical background

       II.      Easy to use, informative application (database bases)

a.        Syllabus service

b.       Consultation, communication

c.        Notices

     III.      Contents

a.        Syllabus supply

b.       Tests

     IV.      Focus on methods

a.        Telecommunications

b.       “E-administration”

       V.      Technological aspects

a.        Credits

b.       Event-based working

The development of the computerised open university’s infrastructure started five years ago. The lecture shows the basic problems of the development: “Bias” from the infrastructure to the methodical problems.