Dynamic curriculum nets


Péter Kaszás, Márta Turcsányi-Szabó

p_kaszas@ludens.elte.hu, turcsanyine@ludens.elte.hu

Eötvös Loránd University Informatics Methodology Group

1117, Budapest, Pázmány Péter Sétány 1 C.



By using the Coraler curriculum net editor tool, topic specific source nets can be created (a) which, by time, smooth and develop value, (b) which indicate the changes of the material and the educational needs and are able to be up to date and (c) there is an opportunity to monitor the students’ progress individually, thus developing nets for paths of experiences.


In this paper we present an English course networking online resources. The students first have to go through a complex test and receive a route to the parts of the material according to their knowledge deficiencies, in which they can progress according to their own decisions. The colour changes after the student tackles each topic, besides the colouring changes to normal if the tests at each node are successfully completed. So the route always shows the most current view of the students’ progress in the field.