Presentation Title:

XML technology in the HunTéka Library System


Tóth, Kornél



The Presentation shows the structure and the functionality of the HunTéka Library System developed by MTA SZTAKI and iKron Kft. The focus is on the adaptation of XML technology that is most stressful in the WEB OPAC module. The basis of this module is a special information retrieval program, named Monguz search engine, designed by iKron Kft.

This module will be presented by the online catalogue of Németh László City Library. Here the content of a periodical is stored in XML format. The whole content of the paper can be searched by Monguz search engine. The data that is structured in XML can be retrieved by XSL in a browser friendly format.

After this, the Cataloguing module of HunTéka will be presented. In this module you can find web links assigned to the bibliographic records, so the content providing function is expanded to the Internet level.

In conclusion, some of the configuration and user interfaces profiles of the system – created in XML language too – will be shown.