Róbert Horváth – Ferenc Tibor Tóth:


Searching and providing online information in LibinfO

Content analysis and renewed services




LibinfO is the online reference service of Hungarian libraries and librarians operating in a consortium framework. Using the Internet, it answers questions within 48 hours that fall within the competence of libraries and librarians.

In our presentation we wish to discuss the following subjects:


The place of LibinfO in librarian strategy

Our service operates in view of our strategic objectives to introduce certain technical tools and possibilities into traditional librarian and reading practices. It aims to underline the viability of libraries amid the new challenges of the information revolution: it wishes to fill these possibilities provided by new technologies with content in order to orient inquirers towards the use of the traditional information resources (library, research, reading) libraries have always promoted.

All of this can be achieved through the strategic use of the online reference service.



Comparing the online reference service and the information broker

A new term: the information broker. Its meaning and functions. Pointing out similarities and, more importantly, differences between the online reference service and the information broker.



LibinfO content analysis

a)      statistics of questions and answers from the past two years

b)      content analysis of questions and answers of three months

c)      a day in the life of LibinfO – facts and figures



Renewed services

Technical improvements of the service: a change from the use of traditional mail systems to database and web based operation. An introduction to new ways and methods of providing answers.