Computer Security Culture


Ferenc Leitold

Veszprém University, Veszprog Ltd.



Everybody who uses a car usually pays attention to the safety. But do computer users pay such attention to the safety as well? Do the users use software and/or hardware solutions for their safety? Do they update or upgrade the used anti-virus software and firewall frequently? Do they pay enough attention to the updates and hot fixes of the used operating system(s) and applications? …


Can we trust in our computer? For example can we use our computer – with enough safety – for digital signing an agreement of 50 million forints? Can we trust so much in our software and hardware?


What can we do for decreasing the risk of the usage of digital signature? What can a common user do – who do not want to deal with computer security – for his safety? How can he use the new “features” of the Internet?


In this paper the mentioned questions will be discussed and they will be answered as far as possible.