Information services on the server of the Archaeocomp Association

Katalin T. Biró * - Miklós Rajczy **

* Hungarian National Museum,

** Hungarian Natural History Museum,


The ARCHAEOCOMP Multidisciplinary Archaeological Association was founded in 1991. The original aims of the Association were:

                a multidisciplinary approach to archaeological studies

                supporting the training of professionals in related fields

                promoting the publication of related scientific investigations

In the time elapsed since the foundation of the Association, the most important and current joint activity of the members was providing quality electronic content. Partly connected to scientific grants, partly to special – often international – projects, databases, thematic information and periodicals were made available and tended with more or less regularity and continuity. The specific fields touched upon have been: museology and museum collections, archaeometry and petroarchaeology. In the related fields, several mailing list services are also served and moderated.