Integration of Technologies on the Digitalcity portal

Székely István

Department of Information Technology

Institute of Mathematics and Informatics

University of Debrecen


In recent years the Internet and mostly the World Wide Web (WWW) passed through large growth. The Internet has become generally used, so it affected the development of applications. A kind of applications appeared where a browser takes care of showing the user interface. These applications are known as 'web application'.

A web application is typically based on client/server architecture. The client is a browser, which communicates with a web server. Data sent to the client can change continuously, so we need server-side components can produce HTML pages dynamically based on the contents of the underlying database.

In my presentation I would like to present the Digitalcity portal ( It makes possible to appear on the Internet for everyone including those who don’t have possibility to maintain their own web site. After the registration process our clients can edit their pages themselves. They need only a browser to achieve it, because the application contains an editor. The constructed pages fit into the portal’s structure.

In my presentation concepts appearing in Digitalcity will be explained. The infrastructure and the development tools will be described as well. Then the applied technologies, mainly server-side Java technologies and Net.Data macro language, and its advantages and disadvantages will be discussed as well as the underlying database management system. Finally the process of how this web application has been built by the integration of these technologies will be shown.